
Nov 23, 2007

Alan Greenspan: ex-chairman US Federal Reserve

This is first article of the series of some of the famous people in the financial world. Below is a brief introduction of Alan Greenspan.

Alan Greenspan is the former Chairman of the US Federal Reserve Board of Governors.

His tenure at Fed lasted 18 years from 1987 until early 2006. He was appointed five times during this period. He was successively appointed by four US presidents: Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush

During his tenure as Fed’s chairman, he was regarded as one of the most powerful financial men in US. Even today he is thought by many as having considerable influence over economic affairs.

He is known for his policies on keeping inflation in US at historically low levels. But, he is disapproved by many people for focusing too much prices and neglecting its impact on employment. He is also criticized for the high volatility in US economy more so in the 1990s period when dot-com bubble was taking place.

He was succeeded by former Princeton economics department chair Ben Bernanke.

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