About 'FinManAc, Finance blog': This blog is for all the finance maniacs. Its a community shared blog and we invite participation from all Finance persons, be it equity research, trading, banking, etc. We believe understanding of economics to be of high importance to be a financial expert and we have included economics also in the domain of this blog.
Very few people in India invest in the so called "Riskier Instrument" like stocks and derivatives. Statistics will tell this story better. There is a need of communicating and expressing unbiased views about the performance of the company and hence help the common man understand what it lies behind the arcane numbers.
Who are invited?
Anyone who has high interest in the mysterious world of Finance and flair for writing his/her views to help others understand things better. No prerequisite of any formal finance education.
Why join 'FinManAc, Finance blog'?
Your passion about finance will reach new heights by sharing your views with like minded people. Moreover your contribution may help in increasing the awareness about the variety of choices in the financial world.
What can you do?
Option 1: Comments
You can share your view by posting your comments on articles written by others that appeal you.
Option 2: Guest Writer/Author
You can write articles on this blog as a guest author. Your contribution will be acknowledged by putting your name and homepage/email address in the article you will contribute. Guest writers with exceptionally good articles will be honored with the 'Esteemed Contributor' and/or 'Best Guest Author' title.
Option 3: Member Contributor
You can become a contributor to this blog and publish your articles directly. There are some prerequisites for becoming a member contributor.
- Minimum 8 posts as Guest Writer
- Minimum 20 useful comments on others' posts
- Adherence to the quality and originality of the content
So, what are you waiting for... Come, join our team today!!
Send in a message to us (through the thunderbird contact box in the 'contact me' section on right panel) along with the following information:
Background in Finance:(optional)
Any particular area of interest in finance:
Why you want to join 'FinManAc, Finance blog': (Word Limit- min 100, max 400)
On getting the above information we will send you an confirmation email. You may be requested for a sample article for the blog within 2 days of your submission. This will help us understand your interest and your conformance with our methodology.
Important Note:
Please note that all articles/comments to be submitted to this blog has to be original and should not be posted anywhere else before or after submission.
We respect copyright issues very seriously and expect our future colleagues to abide by them.
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